Baroque Violin / Baroque Viola
巴洛克小提琴 / 巴洛克中提琴
Elvira Cheng graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University under the tutelage of Ms Lily Koh, Ms Leslie Ryang and Mr Ray Tsoi. Her passion for early music started when she was a member of the Collegium Musicum Hong Kong under the guidance of Professor Johnny Poon. She is keen to explore new ideas and interpretations of Baroque Music with the Early Music Society of Hong Kong.
鄭曉瑩於二○○八年畢業於香港浸會大學音樂系,師隨高悅莉老師及梁文暄老師主修小提琴、蔡睿老師副修中提琴。鄭氏曾於浸會大學管弦樂團及Collegium Musicum Hong Kong室樂團(CMHK)擔任第二小提琴首席,並在2006年隨樂團到英國Harlexton Festival演出。由潘明倫教授指導的CMHK令她對早期音樂有更深的興趣,畢業後曾到歐盟巴洛克樂團學習巴洛克小提琴。除了定期參與香港早期音樂協會的演出外,鄭氏也在香港其他不同的樂團演奏小提琴或中提琴。