Monica Johnston

Monica Johnston

Baroque Violin / Baroque Viola / Viola d’amore

巴洛克小提琴  / 巴洛克中提琴  / 柔音提琴

Originally from South Carolina, Monica Johnston started playing violin at 11 in a public school orchestra, and very soon realized that she preferred the sound of the viola.  Throughout the grade school, she joined many orchestras and music festivals, and traveled around the United States for different summer music festivals.  She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education and a Viola Performance Certificate from the University of South Carolina (USC), where she received a financial scholarship to perform with the USC Symphony Orchestra.  Her viola professor, Dr. Constance Gee, was and continues to be a strong and influential mentor in Monica’s musical career. It was at USC that Monica was introduced to the viola d’amore and period performance practice.  With the help of a university research grant, Monica traveled to Toronto, Canada, and studied viola d’amore with Thomas Georgi (a leading scholar, and Baroque Orchestra at the Tafelmusik Baroque Summer Institute). In addition, she traveled to Prague, Czech Republic to have research on music Carl Stamitz’s viola d’amore music. Continuing her studies of viola d’amore, Monica traveled to Austria to learn under Marianne Ronez at Sommerakademie Lilienfeld near Vienna. Monica has performed with her University Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, the South Carolina Philharmonic, Symphony Orchestra Augusta, the Spartanburg Philharmonic Orchestra, the Varna International Chamber Orchestra, and the Lake Murray Symphony Orchestra.  Combining two of her favorite things, music and travel, Monica has performed at international music festivals in the United States, Canada, Italy, Austria, and Hungary.  Monica has performed in Hong Kong City Hall, the Fringe Club, and with the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble.  She currently plays with the SAR Philharmonic Orchestra.  Although Monica loves performing, her true passion lies in teaching.  She has taught students from infancy through the age of 65. At the University of South Carolina (USC) String Project, Monica taught beginning orchestra class, beginning adult orchestra class, and private lessons. After being introduced to the Suzuki method, she received training to be a Suzuki violin teacher and helped to create the USC Suzuki Strings program.  Monica is currently the music teacher at American School Hong Kong. She runs a private studio of viola and violin students.

蒙妮卡‧莊士敦生於南卡羅來納州。莊士敦於十一歲於所讀學校學習小提琴,期後開始熱愛中提琴。於學校期間,莊士敦參加不同樂團及音樂節,亦於美國不同地方參加音樂節。莊士敦於南卡羅來納州大學﹝USC﹞完成音樂教育學位以及中提琴演奏証書。在在學期間,莊士敦亦得到獎學金與卡羅來納州交響樂團演出。中提琴老師康士坦士‧基對莊士敦一直有深遠的影響。在 USC 期間,莊士敦接觸到柔音提琴及古風演奏。得到大學研究基金的幫助,莊士敦到過加拿大多倫多跟隨湯馬仕‧佐治﹝塔菲古樂合奏樂團夏季音樂節的重要學者﹞學習柔音提琴。莊士敦亦到過捷克布拉格研究史塔密茲的柔音提琴作品,期後到過奧地利利林費爾德跟隨馬利安‧安尼士學習。莊士敦曾與USC交響樂團、USC室樂團、南卡羅來納州交響樂團、奧古斯塔交響樂團、斯帕坦堡交響樂團、瓦爾納國際室樂團及莫雷湖交響樂團演出。莊士敦亦參與過美國、加拿大、意大利、奧地利及匈牙利的音樂節。在港期間,莊士敦亦於香港大會堂、藝穗會與香港創藝樂團及香港愛樂團演出。雖然莊士敦熱愛演奏,但她亦非常熱心於教學。莊士敦的學生由小童到六十五歲人仕也有。在USC弦樂計劃中,莊士敦任教過初級管弦樂團、成人初級管弦樂團及私人器樂課。期期後莊士敦受過鈴木教學法的訓練,並於USC幫助開拓鈴木弦樂訓練計劃。現時莊士敦在香港美國學校任職音樂教師,亦私人教授中提琴及小提琴。