1700 年前/ 前後民族風格的品嚐
Co-organized with Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui All Saints’ Cathedral
12 August 2023 (Saturday) 3pm
11 Pak Po Street, Mongkok, Kowloon
Voice: Felix Suen 男高音:孫梓浩
Baroque Violin: Lam Tim Wai 巴洛克小提琴:林添偉
Baroque Cello: Jamie Jim 巴洛克大提琴:詹蔚雯
Harpsichord/ Organ: Kelvin Tsui 古鍵琴 / 管風琴:徐錦輝
Most of you probably are familiar with ‘High Baroque’ composers, like J.S. Bach, Vivaldi, Telemann, who were mostly active between 1700-1750. Today, we are going to present works by earlier Baroque composers before 1700 and a French motet published in 1706.
These pieces by earlier Baroque composers are quite different from those by later ‘High Baroque’ composers. Music was more vocal-like. We need different approaches to play its vocal quality. For example, to imitate human voice on instruments, we use bow vibrato or ‘shake’ to imitate vocal tremolo technique.
At the same time, composers also tried to expand the technical possibilities of different instruments. Like the violin and cello pieces today, they contain lots of difficult and tricky passages to its contemporary musicians. During the first half of the 17th Century, the violin became more popular, while the cello developed later in the second half of the Century. The instrument-making technique developed quickly, and the technique of players also became more advanced.
相信大部份觀眾都對「盛巴洛克時期」作曲家有相當的認識。這些作曲家大概活躍於1700 年到1750 年間。今天我們會為大家獻上一些1700年前的早期巴洛克作品和一首於1706年出版的法國經文歌。

Photo Credit: Dr. Martin Lee