Chan Hiu Yin Derek 陳曉彥
Baroque Violin / Violoncello da Spalla
巴洛克小提琴 / 肩上大提琴
Derek Chan Hiu-Yin was born in Shanghai, China. He started the violin at age five with his father Chan Ping Wing. Over the years, he studied with Russel Kan, Ding Zhinuo, Shen Rong and Wong Wai Ming.
Chan holds a Bachelor of Music degree from Auckland University. In year 2008, he continued his violin study at the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Art.
His interest in the authentic approach began at the Academy Baroque Ensemble, where he practiced baroque music performance with Benedict Cruft and Shane Levesque. At the Academy, Chan gained insight with baroque violin playing when he encountered visiting conductors Nicholas Kok and Trevor Pinnock, violinist Laura Bruggen and Simon Standage, violoncello da Spalla playing with Simon Murphy.
Chan plays a violin made in Mirecourt in 1775 by Nicolas Augustin CHAPPUY, the violoncello da spalla was made locally by CHAN Ping Wing in 2012.
陳氏於奧克蘭大學取得榮譽學士學位後,於2008年在香港演藝學院進修小提琴演奏。 因隨學院院長顧品德及龍雲山博士參與學院古樂團而對早期音樂風格產生濃厚興趣。就讀期間陳氏曾與到訪藝術家學習及演出,包括指揮家Nicholas Kok 及 Trevor Pinnock, 巴諾克小提琴家Laura Bruggen 及 Simon Standage, 肩上大提琴家Simon Murphy.
陳曉彥所使用的小提琴,是法國製琴家Nicolas Augustin CHAPPUY於1775年製作。 肩上大提琴,是本地製琴家陳炳榮於2012年製作。