Harpsichord – Kelvin TSUI      古鍵琴家 - 徐錦輝

Kelvin Tsui is an early music specialist based in Germany. He is currently doing his second degree on early music voice (Haute-contre Fach) in the class of Gundula Anders at the Trossingen University of Music, Germany. Born in Hong Kong, Kelvin began his musical path at the age of seven on the violin, and later on the erhu, viola and voice. He began his studies in harpsichord performance with Bernhard Klapprott at the Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar, where he earned his Bachelor degree in 2016. In 2014 he obtained a scholarship from DAAD, which allowed him to study in the harpsichord and basso continuo classes of Jean-Marc Aymes, Yves Rechsteiner and Dirk Börner at the Conservatoire National Supérieur Musique et Danse de Lyon for one year. In 2020 he completed his Master degree on early music ensemble direction under the instruction by Marieke Spaans and Michael Alber at the Trossingen University of Music. During his studies in Germany and France, Kelvin participated in various masterclasses in harpsichord with Anssi Mattila, Jörg-Andreas Bötticher and Barbara Maria Willi; in choral conducting with Nicole Corti and Florian Helgath, in HIP with Karsten Erik Ose, Peter Philips and the Tallis Scholars and in vocal with Lisandro Abadie, Dominik Wortig and Lisa Wedekind. In 2016 Kelvin was invited to Tokyo as a private tutor for HIP and ensemble coach, where he worked until 2017. Furthermore he was invited by the National Tsing Hua University and the National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan to give talks and workshops in HIP. Currently Kelvin is harpsichordist of the Hong Kong Early Music Society and guest director of the Klang Baroque Ensemble in Taiwan. Kelvin has worked with numerous renowned musicians such as Jan van Elsacker, Nadja Zwiener, Gerd Uwe Klein, Josué Meléndez, Wim Becu, Lorenz Duftschmid etc. and his performances have taken him to Germany, England, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia, Isarael, Ukraine, Japan, China,Taiwan, Hong Kong and the USA.

徐錦輝是旅居歐洲古鍵琴家、古樂歌唱家及指揮家,專研歐洲早期音樂,現於德國古樂名校特羅辛根音樂大學隨歌唱家Gundula Anders研習古樂聲樂(法國巴洛克高男高音),並同時為香港早期音樂協會的古鍵琴演奏家及台灣響昀巴洛克樂團的客席藝術指導。徐氏出生於香港,7歲開始學習小提琴,之後開始涉獵中提琴、二胡及聲樂。2011年徐氏開始在德國威瑪李斯特音樂大學修讀大鍵琴演奏,師從德國古鍵琴家Bernhard Klapprott,並於2016年取得學士學位。2014年徐氏獲得DAAD獎學金並前往法國里昂國立高等音樂學院跟隨古鍵琴家Jean-Marc Aymes、Yves Rechsteiner及Dirk Börner研習一年。2020年徐氏以優異成績在德國古樂名校特羅辛根音樂大學完成碩士學位,主修古樂指揮,指導教授為古鍵琴家Marieke Spaans及指揮家Michael Alber。在歐洲留學期間徐氏曾經參與Anssi Mattila、Jörg-Andreas Bötticher和Barbara Maria Willi的古鍵琴大師班;Karsten Erik Ose、Peter Philips與The Tallis Scholars的古樂大師班;Nicole Corti和Florian Helgath的合唱指揮大師班以及Lisandro Abadie、Dominik Wortig和Lisa Wedekind的聲樂大師班。2016年徐氏曾受邀至日本東京擔任古樂團藝術指導半年,此外亦曾多次受台灣國立清華大學音樂系以及國立中山大學音樂系之邀請擔任古樂演奏法講座工作坊的客席講師。 徐氏曾與Jan van Elsacker、Nadja Zwiener、Gerd Uwe Klein、Josué Meléndez、Wim Becu、Lorenz Duftschmid等著名音樂家合作演出。徐氏演出的足跡遍布多個國家地區,包括英國、法國、德國、瑞士、意大利、奧地利、斯洛伐克、烏克蘭、美國、日本、以色列、中國、香港和台灣。