PRISM Consort of Viols (Japan)
An ensemble of three gambists who pursues the deep and rich sound of viola da gamba and lively expression of music. PRISM focusing on music for viola da gamba consort in 17th Century England, from William Byrd to Henry Purcell as well as 18th Century French music represented by Marin Marais, and German late baroque music such as J.S. Bach, G.P. Telemann.

Prism 古提琴合奏團 (日本)
由三位古提琴手所組成的合奏團致力追求古提琴濃厚的聲音和生動的音樂。合奏團演奏的音樂類型甚廣,包括17世紀英國作曲家William Byrd到普賽爾的古提琴合奏音樂,以至18世紀法國Marin Marais古提琴樂曲和德國巴赫與泰利曼晚期巴洛克音樂。

プリズム ヴィオラ ・ ダ ・ ガンバ トリオ
ヴィオラ・ダ・ガンバの深く豊かな響きと生き生きとした表現を追求する三人のアンサンブル。ウィリアム・バードからヘンリー・パーセルに至る17世紀イングランドのヴィオラ・ダ・ガンバ コンソート音楽を中心に、マラン・マレに代表される18世紀フランスのヴィオラ・ダ・ガンバのための作品や、J.S.バッハ、G.P.テレマンなどのドイツの後期バロック音楽にも取り組んでいる。

Early Music Society of Hong Kong
Founded in 2012, the Early Music Society of Hong Kong is formed by local professional musicians who are passionate about historically informed performance on period instruments, such as baroque flute, baroque violin, viola and cello, viola da gamba, viola d’amore, violoncello da spalla, harpsichord, etc. The Society’s mission is to introduce music before late eighteenth century to the general public in Hong Kong through concerts and workshops.



After graduating from the Department of Psychology at Gakushuin University, Shigeru Sakurai studied Double Bass at Tokyo National University of Arts and Music. Sakurai also studied viola da gamba with Toshinari Ohashi and Lawrence Dreyfus. As a solo player, he works all over Japan and also in England, Ireland, Norway, the United States, Korea, etc. He has been a frequent guest performer since he joined the founding project of 1994 in the Viol consort “PHANTASM” of L. Dreyfus. As a Violone player, he participates in many early music ensembles such as Bach Collegium Japan. Sakurai used to teach at Tokyo National University of Arts and Music, Kochi University, Keio University, and now he holds the position of associate professor at Ueno Gakuen University, and a specially invited professor at the Yonsei University Music Research Institute for Early Music (Korea).

櫻井 茂
学習院大学文学部心理学科を経て東京芸術大学卒業。コントラバスを笠原勝二、吉川英幸、西田直文、江口朝彦の各氏に師事。また、芸大バッハカンタータクラブにおいて小林道夫氏の薫陶を受ける。一方、ヴィオラ・ダ・ガンバを大橋敏成、ローレンス・ドレイフュスの両氏に師事、またキャサリン・マッキントッシュ、ヤコブ・リンドベルイ、シェティル・ハウグザンらにアンサンブルの指導を受ける。独奏者として国内各地及びイギリス、アイルランド、ノルウェー、アメリカ、韓国等で活動。H.ヴィンシャーマン指揮 ドイツ・バッハ・ゾリステン、T.コープマン指揮 アムステルダム・バロック・オーケストラ等の来日公演に出演。L.ドレフュス主宰のコンソート「PHANTASM」には1994年の創設プロジェクトに参加以来、度々客演する。ヴィオローネ奏者としてはバッハ・コレギウム・ジャパン等の古楽アンサンブルに参加。東京芸大管弦楽研究部、高知大学、慶應義塾大学非常勤講師講師を経て上野学園大学准教授、延世大学音楽研究所古楽専門課程特別招聘教授。

櫻井 茂
學習院大學文學部心理學學系畢業後,櫻井於東京藝術大學完成低音提琴學位。櫻井跟隨過大橋敏成和勞倫斯 · 德雷福斯學習古提琴。櫻井曾於日本以及世界各地擔任獨奏,包括英國、愛爾蘭、挪威、美國、韓國等。自Phantasm古提琴合奏團於1994年成立以來,櫻井經常擔任其客席樂手。櫻井亦活躍於演奏倍低音古提琴,曾參與過Bach Collegium Japan之演出。櫻井曾經任教過東京藝術大學、高知大學和慶應義塾大學。櫻井現為上野學園大學副教授,亦於韓國延世大學早期音樂研究所作為客席教授。

After studying Double Bass at Ueno Gakuen University Junior College, Origuchi studied viola da gamba at Ueno Gakuen University and graduated in 2014. She studied both double bass and viola da gamba under Shigeru Sakurai. Origuchi holds the music therapist qualification and teaches an ensemble class of Viola da Gamba at Ueno Gakuen Junior High School from 2015 to 2016. Currently Origuchi working at Ueno Gakuen University Instrument Laboratory.

折口 未桜

折口 未櫻

Shimizu studied piano at Ueno Gakuen junior high and high school. On the other hand, she studied viola da gamba with Shigeru Sakurai and changed her major to Viola da Gamba from the second year of high school. In addition to performing at various concerts on campus, she has been actively taking master classes such as Kaori Uemura, J. Chetham, M. van der Velden and so on.

清水 愛架
上野学園中学・高等学校においてピアノを浅香郁子、干野宜大の各氏に師事。一方ヴィオラ・ダ・ガンバを櫻井茂氏に師事し高校2年からヴィオラ・ダ・ガンバ専門に転科。学内の様々な演奏会に出演する他、上村かおり、J.チータム、M.van der フェルデン各氏のマスタークラスを受講するなど積極的に研鑽を積んでいる。

清水 愛架
清水於上野學園初中及高中期間主修鋼琴演奏,師從淺香郁子、干野宜大等。清水在上野學園初中及高中期間已經開始跟隨櫻井茂先生學習古提琴。於高中二年級開始,清水轉為主修古提琴, 現為上野學園大學學位學生。在學期間除了參加校內不同的演奏會外,亦積極參與大師班以鑽研古提琴演奏。曾經於大師班指導過她的導師包括上村かおり、J. Chetham, M. van der Velden等等。

LAM Tim Wai
Lam is one of the numbered viola da gamba and viola d’ amore player in Hong Kong. Lam graduated at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with Master Degree in Music (Performance). Lam was the first local viola da gamba player to perform the solo in Bach’ s St. Matthew Passion, St. John Passion & St. Markus Passion also the first viola d’ amore player in Vivaldi’ s Nisi Dominius Lam currently teaches viola da gamba at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.


Jamie JIM Wai Man
As an active cellist and viola da gamba player, Jamie Jim has performed in different orchestras and ensembles. She is currently a freelance cellist in the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. She also has performed in music festivals in various cities including Amsterdam, Vancouver, San Francisco and Kyoto. In 2011, she was selected by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council as one of the featured performers in the Spotlight on Young Musicians Series. Jim is also one of the founding members of the Early Music Society of Hong Kong


Stephen CHAN Man Kin
Chan received cello training since the age of six. His major teachers include Mr. Kevin Lee and Ms. Yichun Chen. Chan obtained the Bachelor degree in Art (Music) from Hong Kong Baptist University. Currently he is the member of the Early Music Society.

陳文健於六歲開給學習大提琴。陳氏曾師隨 Kevin Lee 及陳怡君學習。陳氏於香港浸會大學完成文學士(音樂)課程。現時陳氏為香港早期音樂協會恆常成員之一。

Chong Ling finished his undergraduate studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in cello under Mr. Cheung Ming-fai’s tuition. In school he held the position of the principal cellist, and appeared as soloist with orchestra.


Born in Hong Kong, Cheung Ray Yeung received his Bachelor of Music degree from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He studied cello with Dr. Letty Poon and chamber music with Ray Wang and Ivan Chan. After graduation, he continued his studies with Artem Konstantinov. Ray Cheung won international awards including third Prize at the first Schoenfeld International String Competition (Aficionado Cello Senior Group) in 2013 and the String Quartet Group award at the Princess Galyani Vadhana International Ensemble Competition in 2016. Ray Cheung is an active chamber and orchestral musician in Hong Kong. In 2014 Ray joined the Asian Youth Orchestra as the associate principal cellist. He also plays the baroque cello and viola da gamba, and has performed many concerts with the Early Music Society of Hong Kong. He has also given numerous premieres of new works at Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
