Baroque Violin/ Baroque Viola
邱頌殷 Amy YAU
Amy YAU started learning the violin and viola at age of 6 under the mentorship of Mr John Chan and later Mr Jensen Lung when studying at the Hong Kong Baptist University. She was the concertmistress of Hong Kong Youth Symphony Orchestra, University Symphony Orchestra and Pro Arte Orchestra of Hong Kong, as well as viola principal at times. She is currently a member of the Pan Asia Orchestra, Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra, Learner’s Orchestra and Ponte Singers &Orchestra. Apart from orchestral playing, she is an active chamber music player, participating different small ensembles, including Collegium Musicum Hong Kong, Cammer Musicus and ensemble for Die Konzertisten. Yau travelled to many places for her music journey, both performing and education, Including collaboration with the Central Conservatory of Music, Huangshan music camp, Yunnan music conference, Bali inter- national music conference and Harlaxton International Music Festival (UK). Apart from violin and viola, she also plays the piano and flute.
邱頌殷自六歲開始師從陳誠強先生學習小提琴及中提琴,並於攻讀浸會大學時隨龍向輝先生進修。她曾為香港青年交響樂團,浸大交響樂團及PAO之團長,並任首席中提琴手。邱氏現為泛亞交向樂團、香港室樂團、Learner’s及Ponte之樂手。除大型管弦樂外,她亦醉心於室內樂及古樂演奏,曾參與CMHK,香港聲蜚合唱節合奏小組,Cammer Musicus。現時為香港早期音樂協會成員之一。她曾與中央音樂學院合作交流,以及參與黃山音樂營,雲南及巴里音樂教育研討會,Harlaxton國際音樂節,並曾接受韓岱兄弟指導古樂演奏。除小提琴中提琴外,邱氏亦會演奏鋼琴及長笛。