Gary Ngan 顏嘉俊
Baroque Violin 巴洛克小提琴
Gary Ngan has established himself as a widely-demanded violin soloist, orchestral leader and chamber musician. He has performed concerts and recitals in over 50 cities across Asia, Europe, the North and South Americas. A graduate of Yale University School of Music and Eastman School of Music, Ngan also studied Baroque Violin and Chamber Music with a First-Prizes-Winning (Montserrat and Vinaros Competitions, Spain) Piano Trio at Hochschule fur Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover, and was a recipient of the Fellowship Diploma from Trinity College, London. Among many of Ngan’s major teachers include such world-renowned pedagogues as Charles Castleman, Ani Kavafian, Mikhail Kopelman, Stefan Milenkovic, the late Lin Yao-ji and the Zvi Zeitlin.
As a versatile musician, Mr. Ngan has appeared on stage with such prestigious organizations as the Millennium Stage Conservatory Project’s at the Kennedy Center and New York String Orchestra Seminar at Carnegie Hall, as well international music festivals including the Great Mountains (South Korea), Music Academy of the West, Music Master Course (Japan), Norfolk and Northern Lights; As a historical performance enthusiast, Ngan has performed with American Baroque Orchestra, Eastman Collegium Musicum, Institut fur Alte Musik Hannover, Rochester Bach Festival and the Yale Collegium Players with Yale Schola Cantorum under Masaaki Suzuki. As a leader, Ngan led the Eastman Philharmonia and the National Orchestral Institute, Maryland. Also as one of the concertmasters of Junges Stuttgarter Bach Ensemble under Helmuth Rilling’s Internationale Bachakademie Stuttgart, he toured with them in Chile, Germany and Italy during 2012-2013. At the age of 24, Mr. Ngan joined the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong as First Associate Leader in 2010, and occasionally acts as Concertmaster, collaborating and recording with virtuosi Everlyn Glennie and Michela Petri.
作為一位多才多藝的音樂家,顏氏曾在很有名望的卡奈基音樂廳紐約弦樂團座談會上和甘迺迪演藝中心的千禧舞台音樂學院計劃中演出,也經常活躍於多個國際知名的音樂節包括南韓的大山 、聖巴巴拉西方音樂學院、日本音樂大師課程、諾福克和明尼蘇達明尼蘇達州的北極光。作為一個早期音樂演奏熱衷者,顏氏曾參加的演出組織的包括有美國巴洛克樂團、伊士曼早期音樂樂團、漢諾威古音樂學院、羅切斯特巴赫音樂節,以及在鈴木雅明領導下的耶魯學士合唱團與古樂團。作為樂團首席,顏氏曾領奏伊士曼愛樂樂團和馬里蘭州國家管弦樂學院。在二零一二至一三年期間,於赫爾穆特‧里霖建立的斯圖加特國際巴赫學院內,顏氏任該青年樂隊的其中一名首席小提琴手,並隨團到智利、德國和意大利巡迴演出。於二零一零年二十四歲的顏氏加入了香港城市室樂團任第一副首席,也曾以首席小提琴手身份與蜚聲國際的獨奏家伊芙蓮‧格妮和米卡拉.帕蒂莉合作演出和錄音。